Concurso público para promoción de Viviendas de Protección Oficial. Lote 4. Parcela 1. SUP-PM6._01 Pino Montano. Sevilla

Concurso público para promoción de Viviendas de Protección Oficial. Lote 4. Parcela 1. SUP-PM6._02 Pino Montano. Sevilla

Concurso público para promoción de Viviendas de Protección Oficial. Lote 4. Parcela 1. SUP-PM6._07 Pino Montano. Sevilla

Concurso público para promoción de Viviendas de Protección Oficial. Lote 4. Parcela 1. SUP-PM6._01 Pino Montano. Sevilla
VPO Pino Montano 1
Public tendering process for promotion of subsidized housing. Lot 4 plot 1. SUP-PM6. Pino Montano. Seville.
This new zone of “Pino Montano” developed to the opposite side of the longitudinal axis that it crosses this one even without consolidating for what admits different solutions so many typology as formally that i know adecue more to the current needs and solve in height the increase of buildable's index that in comparison with other plans the PGOU assigns in his cards of planning.
The building that we propose tries to give response to the whole in force regulation, but without losing the basic aim that is worthy housings create simultaneously that to generate an alive, current and functional architecture that enriches his environment.
The generating idea of the design of the building is to obtain not maximum of housings, which possess the best conditions of lighting, ventilation and intimacy, (overcoming the demanded surfaces) for it is basic to obtain the exact proportion of front, where the costs and the improvement of the housings find a balance. of here the idea of court arises gallery, with it, the vertical nucleuses of communication diminish.
This distribution facilitates in the housings the crossed ventilation, as well as to have natural lighting in all the life stays.
The image of the building tries to create a more neutral exterior to be able to receive any environment that is generated in a future, whereas the fronts to the free space of apple, they try to create a more nice landscape, colourist and luminously, to shelter a common space that really is of scattering, i use and enjoyment of the community, with the use of color in the paraments of front we obtain the image that is chased by low costs.

Year: 2008
Client: Comarex Desarrollo S.L.
Surface: 18858 m2